
expert group of the security council committee established pursuant to resolution 1540 concerning the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction معنى

  • فريق الخبراء التابع للجنة مجلس الأمن المنشأة عملا بالقرار 1540 بشأن عدم انتشار أسلحة الدمار الشامل

كلمات ذات صلة

  1. expert group meeting to review the jakarta plan of action for human resources development in the escap region معنى
  2. expert group meeting to review the recommendations for a statistical programme for household small-scale industries معنى
  3. expert group meeting to study the economic and social consequences of illicit traffic in drugs معنى
  4. expert group of the 1540 committee معنى
  5. expert group of the committee established pursuant to resolution 1540 معنى
  6. expert group on a study on conventional disarmament معنى
  7. expert group on a system of social and demographic statistics معنى
  8. expert group on accounting for sustainable development معنى
  9. expert group on agency support costs معنى
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